Have you had a chance to dive the RMS Rhone?

In the British Virgin Islands, in my mind there are two iconic dives.   The dive site known as the “Indians” is near a three rocky outcroppings that bear the name the Indians.  The aquatic life is about as close to an aquarium as I can remember diving.  Great variety and abundance of underwater life.  

But, the iconic dive in the BVI is the dive of the RMS Rhone.  When the ship sank only one porthole remained intact.

The magic port hole
The magic port hole

Nevertheless, the rest of the ship which has been submerged for more than a century is still in relatively good shape.  Here is a link to what I wrote about the dive of the Rhone several years ago.


I hope I get to go back to dive the Rhone again in the near future.  

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