Have you seen the array of colors underwater?

Orange Elephant ear sponges off the coast of little Tobago

I admit it, as a photographer the first thing I see in an image is color.  Some people see texture, some see composition, but I see color.   Growing up,  most of the time I spent in the water was either in a pool or in a fresh water lake. Ok if you are lucky a pool is a nice color blue and a lake is some what clear and you can see fish.    Imagine my surprise the first time I went snorkeling in the Caribbean.  Lots of colors in sponges and fish and coral. 

Pork fish over shagrila reef
Pork fish over shagrila reef

It seemed to me that there was a lot of opportunity to see even more color if I could stay underwater longer than I could hold my breath.  So when my daughter said she wanted to learn how to dive I was ready to try it out.   Now any time I can go diving in the ocean, I am ready to see the amazing colors that exist. 

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