Have you seen the Sea Star after the hurricane?

sea star wreck with railng
Sea Star wreck with railing and sun ball
The last time I dove on the wreck known as the Sea Star off the coast of Grand Bahama, the ship was intact and it was relatively easy to circumnavigate around the exterior of the ship.  The ship may have had a small list to one side but it seemed to be otherwise upright and easy to tell that it was formerly a ship.  

In December 2016 a hurricane went through Grand Bahama and did quite a bit of damage on the island, but also changed several of the dive sites that are just off shore from the island.  The Sea Star went from looking like a ship to being torn in about half and left in the shape of an “L”.  It certainly opened up the cargo hold.  

And, while many parts of the ship were almost unrecognizable, towards what was the stern of the ship there were still parts that looked similar to what we had seen of the stern in our previous visit.  And, some of the sponge life was undisturbed by the storm.


The new “foot print” of the Sea Star does give some interesting views that previously either didn’t exist or were not as recognizable.  

It will be interesting to see if the sea life that previously grew on the Sea Star re-establishes itself in the coming years.  

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